Monday, November 26, 2012


You ever hear a song and immediately get taken back to a moment in your life?  A moment that was not necessarily important or huge, but just a moment?  I swear music is like a time machine for me.  I hear songs and I am instantly taken back to a time in my life and reminded of something. 

Any time I hear the Titanic Theme Song I think of Leslie's funeral and when I hear a Garth Brooks song I think of her making up coordinating dance moves to match his words.  Anytime I hear KT Oslin I think of my mom and her sisters and usually think of our trips to South Padre.  When I hear Adele I think of my divorce and what a wonderful time that was.  Whenever Baby Got Back comes on the radio, I think of Shelly Simms, Annie Cosgrove and Nicole Wright (Hays) and I see them shaking their money makers. When I hear most country songs I think of Kyle.  I am pretty confident that we could create a country play list of songs that represent us, but most of "my people" aren't country don't worry I won't make you a Whitney loves Kyle CD for christmas. Whenever I hear Britney Spears I think of Amanda Larner and her minor obsession with that lady.  Whenever I hear Nelly's "Ride Wit Me" (yes, 'wit' not 'with') I think of Courtney Cohron and our dorm room freshman year.  When I hear any pop song nowadays I think of Sloane and picture her singing to it or think, 'Oh man, I bet Sloane would love this!'  Elton John makes me think of college and always playing him while Annie sat back in disgust (she still hasn't justified her dislike of him). Anytime I hear a Michelle Branch (bet you don't even remember her) song I think of Shelly Simms....guaranteed Shelly is googling that name as we speak :)

Music always puts me in a mood...good/bad/happy/sad. I like how music makes me want to tell a story.  It makes me want to share my moments in life with other people.  I like that my daughter has the same love for music as me.  When 'her songs' comes on the radio she lights up.  I love that about her.  I love that she will turn anything into a microphone and sing her little heart out. 

There are so many songs that make me think of a specific moment in time a specific place and specific emotion....does music do that to you?

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