Thursday, November 15, 2012

Defining People

It is what we do that defines who we are.  Not one solid action.  Not one conversation.  Not one belief....but all the actions, all the conversations, and all the beliefs that define us. I think we change.  I think we grow.  I think we learn from each and every day we are given.

Changes occur because we learn from our pasts.  We learn that when we touch a hot stove not to ever do it again.  Who says one can't change?  Have you ever touched a hot stove? Did you continue to touch that hot stove once it burned you?

We grow because that is what life makes you do.  Not only do our hips grow wider but our brains grow bigger and our hearts grow fuller.  We grow as people, as parents, as friends.  We learn something each day that makes us step back and go "oh, I never thought about that."  We grow and become better, because that is what people do, we get better.  We make mistakes and we learn how to not make those same mistakes.  We sometimes make the same mistakes a few times over before we actually learn from them.....but we do grow (eventually).

We learn from ourselves and from others each second.  We learn from others what we hope to one day be.  We are inspired by the things we read and the things we see.  We are inspired to be better people each and everyday.  I struggle with what will make me a better person, but I know that each day I am a learning and working at being better.  (I think I should start with having more patience with 2 and 5 year olds).

It is not one defining moment that defines who you is all the moments that you make which define you.

Good things happen to good people.

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